How To Clean Your Jewelry Like A Pro
In this post, we will give you all the tips and tricks to help you keep your jewelry sparkling clean from the comfort of your home!
Now your pieces will look even better on your Prazoli Wood Ring Tray 😉

1. Silver 💿

The best way to clean tarnished silver pieces is with a good silver polish, like Weiman Silver Polish. If you don’t have that in hand, you can try one of the DIY methods below:

Dish Soap

Mix a few drops of dish soap with warm water, then dip a soft cloth in the solution and use it to rub the silver. Rinse with cool water and buff dry with another soft cloth.

Baking Soda

Mix 3 parts of baking soda to 1 part of water. Wet the silver and apply the past with a soft, lint-free cloth. Work into the crevices, then once the tarnish is removed rinse well and buff dry.


Apply a dab of white paste toothpaste (not gel) to tarnished silver and rub very gently with a soft cloth. Then rinse well with warm water and buff to a shine.

2. Gold 🎖

Give solid gold jewelry a gentle bath in a solution of a few drops of dish soap and a little warm water and soak for about 5 minutes. Swish the items around the container, then take them out. Lay them on a soft cloth and go over the crevices and chain links with a soft toothbrush to dislodge any trapped dirt. Rinse everything under running water (put small pieces into a strainer first so you don’t lose them). Finally, buff dry with a soft cloth.

3. Gemstones 💎

Use the same instructions as above for cleaning gold, but instead of using regular water for the solution, mix the dish soap into seltzer water.

4. Pearls ⚪️

Rule number one: Never soak pearls as doing so can cause the string to weaken and break.
To clean pearls gently, start by laying the strand on soft cloth. Dip a clean, small makeup brush into a mixture of warm water and a little shampoo, and go over each pearl.

To finish, rinse the pearls with a clean, well-wrung damp cloth. Let the strand dry flat to prevent the string from stretching.

This no-soak treatment also works well for turquoise and opals (which are also porous stones).

5. Costume Jewelry 💠

Dab a cloth into a sucky solution of dosh soap and water. Then, wipe any smudges or grime. Finally, rinse with a cloth dampened in plain water. Pat dry and lay the pieces upside down so moisture won’t soak into the setting.

If you prefer an easy go-to tool, you can buy a cleaning jewelry stick online and keep it in your purse for whenever you need it.


Tips to properly care for your jewelry

Remove rings when washing your hands, applying beauty products, cleaning the house, or applying lotions to keep the settings grime-free.

Don’t wear jewelry while swimming — chlorine and salt water can damage it.

Wipe pearls with a soft cloth after each wear to remove body oils and perfume that can yellow them.

Don’t let silver sit in your jewelry box — wear it! It becomes shinier the more it’s worn (the friction slows down tarnishing). When you’re not wearing it, store pieces in an anti-tarnish bag or in your Prazoli Ring Tray.

Get valuable jewelry checked regularly by a reputable jeweler to make sure the stones are in good shape and the settings are secure.
We hope you loved these tips & tricks to keep your jewelry clean like a pro without spending a lot of money or even leaving your home! Let us know in the comments if you have any other hacks we didn’t mention here.

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How To Clean Your Jewelry Like A Pro
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